Frequently Asked Questions

  • One answer would be, the more churches the better! The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is carried out by the church through church planting. Like most towns and cities, Front Royal is ripe for spiritual harvest. Additionally, Front Royal is halfway between the two closest Reformed Baptist congregations in Warrenton, Virginia and Harrisonburg, Virginia.

  • We have a strong core group of individuals and families that meet together weekly for bible study and prayer meetings. If you are interested in being apart of the plant please contact Taylor using the form below.

  • Church planting is the responsibility of the church. While we are not a church plant yet, the bible study and possible future church plant initiative are under the oversight of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church of Warrenton, Virginia. CRBC is a member church of the Reformed Baptist Fellowship of Virginia. RBFVA is a fellowship of Reformed Baptist churches across the state that all subscribe to the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) with a common desire to plant churches, and that hosts Pastoral and theology conferences - most notably, the Keach Conference, held in the fall of each year and hosted by a different member church.

  • “Reformed Baptist” is a term that has been associated in the passed century with those Baptists who hold to the Second London Baptist Confession of 1677/1689.

    Reformed Baptists are firstly Christians, who believe the Bible to be the revealed Word of God, who also believe in the sufficiency of the finished work of Christ to save sinners by grace alone through faith alone, and additionally affirm the free offer of the gospel to all people.


    Reformed Baptists identify with the tradition that emerged from the Protestant Reformation. In the 16th and 17th centuries there was a growing group within the Church of England who desired to see further reformation of the church. This group would become know as the Puritans. Three distinct branches of the Puritan movement emerged: the Presbyrterians, Independents, and Particular Baptists (who today are widely known as so called “Reformed Baptists”). Desiring to demonstrate their unity with historic and reformational Christianity, the Particular Baptists revised their first confession of faith (The First London Baptist Confession of 1644), updating the structure and language to mirror that of the Westminster Confession (Presbyterian), and the Savoy Declaration (Independent), while still maintaining their own theological distinctives. This Second London Baptist Confession of faith was circulated underground in the year 1677, but after the Act of Toleration passed in 1688, which allowed for dissenting groups from the Church of England to practice religious freedom, representatives from more than 100 Particular Baptist churches were gathered at the general assembly in London in 1689 where they formally published and subscribed to the Confession of Faith - which is why the term “1689” is used for short. This confession is the most important and influential confessional document to have ever been produced in Baptist history. Not only is it still embraced today by Reformed Baptists across the globe, but has been the foundation of almost every Baptist confession of faith since.



    We hold to Covenant Theology, which affirms the biblical teaching that the way God interacts, deals with, and specifically, saves human beings is by way of Covenant.

    Calvinistic – or the “Doctrines of Grace”

    Total Depravity - Which affirms the biblical teaching that because of the fall of man into sin (Genesis 3), all people now are born with a sinful nature, dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3), and are therefore in need of being “born again” in order to be saved (John 8:34-36).

    Unconditional Election – Which affirms the biblical teaching that because humans are incapable of saving themselves, God, according to His gracious free will, has chosen to save sinners based purely upon His grace and choice, without foreseeing anything within them, be it their faith or any other good works (John 6:44; Ephesians 1:3-7; Romans 9:14-16).

    Limited Atonement (or Particular Redemption, hence the name “Particular Baptist”) – Which affirms the biblical teaching that Christ’s atonement, although sufficient for all people without exception, is only effective for those who believe upon Christ (John 10:11; Matthew 26:28).

    Irresistible Grace – Which affirms the biblical teaching that the same ones whom God has freely chosen unto eternal life, and the ones for whom Christ died, will definitely and effectively come to faith in Christ in time (John 6:37; John 8:36; Ephesians 2:4-5; Titus 3:3-7).

    Perseverance of the Saints – Which affirms the biblical teaching that all those who are saved will be persevered through faith, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 6:39; John 6:44; Ephesians 1:11-14; 1 Peter 1:5).

    Regulative Principle of Worship – We affirm the bible teaches that God Himself regulates our worship through the clear prescriptions of Holy Scripture. The three aspects of corporate worship are: Elements, forms, and circumstances. Elements of worship are those things that scripture positively calls us to do in worship: read the word, pray the word, preach the word, sing the word, and see the word (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). The forms of worship refer to the manner in which we go about practicing the elements of worship. Lastly, circumstances of worship are the practical aspects of how a church organizes its worship gathering – chairs or pews, time of day, etc.

  • We currently meet at the local public library for bible study. For prayer meetings we meet virtually, and in our homes. While we are not meeting for worship services at the present, we are actively seeking out either a shared church building or rental spaces that could not only work for worship services, but our other weekly gatherings as well. If you know a location in Front Royal that is suitable for a church plant to meet in, please use the contact form below and share with us the details.