Let’s Get Connected

Weekly Gathering

Acts 2:42: And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

  • Bible Studies

    The Word (“Apostles Teaching”), empowered by the Holy Spirit, is what breathes life into the church. Each week we meet for Bible study from 6:00PM - 7:00PM. Our usual meeting place is Samuels Public Library, as the meeting rooms are free for nonprofit use. Please use the contact form for more information.

  • Prayer Meetings

    Prayer is also vital in the life of the church. We meet in person and virtually for prayer meetings where we share prayer requests and pray for the Lord’s leading for the church plant. Please use the contact form for more information.

  • Fellowship

    In addition to the Word and prayer, Christian fellowship is inireadibly mportant in the life of the church for the building up and encouraging of one another in the faith - mourning with those who mourn, and rejoicing with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15). We fellowship with one another from home to home, and also hold group fellowships as well. We want to share the love we have for each other with others as well! Please use the contact form for more information.

Contact us

We want to connect with you! Contact us using the form to the right or send an email, call or text using the contact info below.

(540) 336-2955