A new Bible Study in Front Royal, Virginia

with the possibility of becoming a church plant.

Who We Are

We are a group of families and individuals from diverse cultural and denominational backgrounds who are hungry for the Word of God, love for the community and one another, and desire to see the first and multigenerational Reformed Baptist Church planted in Front Royal, Virginia. Our bible study and potential future church planting initiative are under the oversight of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church of Warrenton, Virginia. 

Front Royal is a diverse and growing area and we believe bringing the Gospel to the nations starts where God has uniquely and providentially placed each of us, which is why we desire this work for Front Royal. We love this community and want to nurture and love the believers God sends to this wonderful area, while also reaching out to the unchurched to share God’s message of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in the finished work of Christ alone. 

Where & When

We meet weekly at Samuels Public Library, Thursdays, from 6pm-7pm. For most accurate and up-to-date meeting time and locations see our Facebook page here: 
Front Royal Reformed Baptist Bible Study


Join the growing number of individuals, organizations, and churches in praying for and supporting this work. There are three primary ways to partner:


As we continue to meet weekly for Bible Study, our core group continues to grow. If you would like to know how you can help or would just like to come and learn with us, please use this contact form.


We ask that you would pray that the Lord would see this work through in the following ways: 1. Spiritual strength for leadership and core group, 2. The Lord would send the right people to join and support the study and where this study might go 3. That the hearts of those to whom we minister to in Front Royal may be softened and prepared for the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The best way to know how to continue to pray for this work is by signing up for our newsletter below.


As we continue our studies, please considering partnering with us financially. This could be a one-time or monthly gift. Use the contact form for more information.